Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Are You a Sugar Junkie?

Hello All, its been awhile since I made a post here. Have been busy writing The Grief Companion Study Guide. But I did want to tell you something exciting.

I was my entire life a sugar junkie. If it was sweet, I ate it. Usually lots of it. From the time I was a small child and up into my late 50's, as I am now. After breaking the Fat Curse, I had begun to lose weight, but my sugar addiction seemed even worse. So I sought the Lord about it.

And He revealed how to break the sugar addiction off my life. So I broke it and now the weight loss seems to have accelerated.  I plan to write an eBook about how to do this, but the Lord has impressed upon me to finish The Grief Companion  Study Guide first, as that was His assignment to me, so I am of course obeying Him.

So I just wanted to let you all know that Sugar Junkie will be a new eBook when I get the grief book published and can write it. I wrote extensive notes as I was going through the process of getting free of the sugar addiction so I could relate it all to you exactly as it happened.

Have a very blessed week - keep looking up because our redemption draws nigh!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

A Place To Grieve Together - Come Join Us!

ANNOUNCEMENT:  I would like to invite everyone to check out a new page I have created called The Grief Companions. The Grief Companions is a community where people who are walking through grief (old or new grief) share their stories, their pain, and their hope. We will encourage each other as we each walk out our grief journey. Because grief is so much harder when you're alone.  Come join us tonight! 

Copy and paste the following link into your facebook search bar:

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Share Your Excitement Over The Fat Curse!

I can tell that those of you who have read The Fat Curse share my excitement (and relief!) at the revelations I share in it. I could not be more thrilled!

I am already getting emails that after doing the prayers, etc. in the book, you feel 'lighter,' which we all know is a sign of deliverance! I cannot wait to hear what happens as you go along your weight loss journey and I pray you reach your weight goals quickly.

I will be holding free copy contests later this week for those who want to participate. In the alternate, for people who already have a copy of The Fat Curse, I will be offering copies of my other books. Stay tuned....we're going to have fun with this!

Please comment below if you have gotten a copy of the book and read it - What did you think? Did you feel anything? 

Share your story! Let's all pray for each other's success in reaching our weight loss goals! 

And apparently the men are excited, too!!  The Fat Curse has been #1 in Men's Christian Living  ALL DAY TODAY!!  (ALL glory to God!) and THANK YOU, DINNA for letting me know this!  and tonight The Fat Curse is the #1 New Release in Christian Men's Issues.  I'm so glad the guys like it, too!

The Book is Out!!


Here it is!

Get a pad and pen ready when you read it, you're going to be making a list.

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Fat Curse as Audio Book

Because the response to The Fat Curse has been so good, I am going to also have it produced as an audio book. It won't be out for about a month or so, but I really think this information needs to be out there to help more people like us!

Just wanted to share the excitement - I had a really excellent producer for Loosed from Chains of Darkness (audio book now in QA, will be out soon too) and she has agreed to produce The Fat Curse for me, so it won't be long.

The Book is Uploaded!

Happy News!!

I just got the book file back from the formatter and I have uploaded it to Amazon Kindle, so it should appear available for purchase in the next 24 hours.  I will post again the minute I know its out there.

I pray these revelations will be as helpful to each of you as they were to me!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

What Led Me to Write The Fat Curse

A photo of me in my mid-30's

I have written about a lot of curses, but never about one that keeps you fat. That's because I never knew there was  one until just recently.

Above is a picture taken of me in my mid-30's. I was a tiny, petite size 3 for many years. I was just always tiny.

I have prayed for many years for a revelation about obesity because so many people are trapped. I felt strongly in my spirit it was not just related to food intake, as I myself had at times dieted and reduced my calories to 1,000, 1,200, even 500 per day for weeks at a time and watched my weight stay exactly the same, week after week. It was then I began to feel hopeless. 
Eventually I assumed the extra weight must be  age-related and I pretty much gave up thinking anything would ever change.

But I kept on praying for revelation because the stories I saw and heard of people morbidly obese who had little or no hope for a better life broke my heart. I wanted to help them, but the only way I could was if the Lord granted me revelation.  I wanted to help me, too, but I really had given up that I would ever lose the extra weight and be slim again. 
Obesity has become such a problem in America, and now even in other countries. Even children are developing morbid obesity with serious health consequences. Being a stroke survivor, I am always aware of fat content in foods, etc., but actually I grew up around dieting. 
The first time I saw my Mother on a diet, I was 7 years old. One of her favorite diet meals was cottage cheese and apples. Whenever I dieted, it was always one of my favorites, too. 
I was always a naturally thin person throughout childhood and well into adulthood. I didn't even begin gaining weight until just before  my 40's. I attributed the weight gain to my age, and the fact that I sat all day in an office at work after I turned 40. Both common causes. It wasn't until my 50's that the weight really began to bother me on a daily basis. I hated not being able to wear clothes that had a waistline, and I hated looking fat, having been thin for so long.
In my 50's, I tried harder to lose the extra weight. I exercised until I injured myself again and again.  I restricted my calories to the point my online calorie counter told me my intake was dangerously low. And I kept them that low for weeks. And barely lost anything at all.
It is incredibly discouraging to try so hard again and again and not be able to even budge 10 lbs. It made me feel so hopeless. Finally, as I have gotten nearer and nearer 60 (I'm 58 now in 2018), I gave up altogether. 
It just isn't worth starving myself and counting calories all day to see little or no results. I think we all have better things to do with our time than all that. Add that to the fact that I am not searching for a mate, nor will I ever be again, and I'm just not willing any more.
And all that is what makes these revelations so exciting. After the first revelation, I saw losses at a rate I've never seen, so I knew it was a true revelation. And I received numerous reports from others of the same. And then I got the second revelation after I was already writing the eBook about the first one.
I can't wait for you all to read The Fat Curse. I pray these revelations are also the clues to your weight loss and I look forward to hearing all your weight loss success stories!
I would love to hear some of your stories about how the weight came into your life here - post in the comments. Let's all share!

When the Haters Come Out....

                                                    A Picture of the Alternate Book Cover

When the haters come out, you know you're onto something Satan does not want you to know.

After I started sharing on the JPH Facebook page about the upcoming Fat Curse book and expressing my excitement about getting two revelations that made weight suddenly just start dropping, I got a few nasty comments implying I was making up fake stuff to get money. So tacky.

Of course I blocked the person(s) making those terrible comments, but I thought it might be better if we continued sharing our mutual excitement about the Fat Curse book here on this blog instead of on the JPH page so there are fewer misunderstandings. Not everyone knows what it feels like to live for years, decades trying desperately to lose weight to no result and not understand why when you have tried absolutely everything.

The Fat Curse eBook may be available for purchase as soon as Monday evening (6/04/18). It is my prayer it will be a great help to every single person who reads it and that at last, those stubborn pounds will begin to budge.