Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Sugar Junkie is Published!

 Sugar Junkie is published!

Whenever obesity has spiritual roots, no diet will ever succeed for long – the person will always regain everything they lost, and sometimes more besides.

Nothing will bring lasting relief to the sufferer until those spiritual roots have been addressed.

  • Have you tried again and again to lay down your addiction to sugar and sweets without success?
  • Do you feel helpless to stop eating sugar, in spite of its negative effect on your health and weight?
  • Do you hide how much sugar you really eat from others?
  • Do diets always fail you? Do you lose weight for a few weeks or months, only to regain all of it and more?
  • Have you given up all hope of ever being free of your sugar addiction and losing weight and/or improving your health?
If you answered yes to even two of those questions, I have good news for you, there may be spiritual roots at work that are causing your failures.

I had been addicted to sugar for over five decades. I have tried getting all the sugar out of my house (numerous times), various diets, restricting calories and denying myself sweets. I have tried everything I could think of.

Finally, after some success with weight loss in general, I began to seek the Lord for revelation on how to break the sugar addiction.

He answered. This book is the result – I want you to get free, too!

After over 50 years, I can take sweets or leave them now. And it is good to be free!

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.